Circular area

美 [ˈsɜːrkjələr ˈeriə]英 [ˈsɜːkjələ(r) ˈeəriə]
  • 网络圆形区域
Circular areaCircular area
  1. Fusing Display of Circular Area on 3D Model in Virtual Simulation


  2. Networked control system is stable on condition that this circular area is in a ( unit circle . )


  3. High Precision Graphic Methods for Squaring Circular Area and Multiplying Cubic Volume


  4. We can compute the circular area with radius .


  5. Get an approximate circular area as a result of a collection of geometric transformations .


  6. The beam scans a circular area in the forms of a sector which sweeps around and around .


  7. This controls the size of the circular area that the damage will be applied to , to simulate an explosion .


  8. Stresses and Displacements in an Elastie Two-Layer System Under Horizontal Load Uniformly Distributed on a Circular Area


  9. An oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usually covered by a tent .


  10. Note the roughly circular area of scrotal skin ; this will be harvested for use as a vaginal graft .


  11. If the network time delay of networked control system satisfies these conditions , the poles of networked control system are in a circular area on the complex plane .


  12. First , red-eye appears red in color . Second , the eyes generally appear as a kind of circular area . Third , the eyes are surrounded by the skin .


  13. The division of the network node location is based on a circular area of the grid the way , the location of each node is equal to the corresponding position in the matrix .


  14. This paper presents two kinds of influence function formulae due to either suddenly or harmonically acted tangential load uniformly distributed over a circular area on the surface of an elastic half-space .


  15. The carbon nanotubes with good field-emission is obtained . The average current density of carbon nanotubes grown on a circular area with 0.13 mm diameter is 1.28 A / cm ~ 2 .


  16. This paper calculates all sub-aperture testing phasic data by three methods such as : plane fitting , Zernike fitting in a circular area and Zernike fitting in a non-circular area .


  17. Based on the Mindlin 's elastic formula , a practical theoretic formula for calculating the vertical superimposed stress under the circular area with uniform distributed loading is presented , which makes the data table easily .


  18. For example , there are two problems about analytical solutions for unsteady groundwater flow in circular area with impervious boundary . One is that analytical solution under point-well assumption is wrong . The other is that analytical solution considering well diameter is approximate .


  19. Therefore , the transition region forms between a circular angle area & straight side area , where the flow resistance is of maximum .


  20. This paper discussed the development of new tourism resources of Yanmengou area that will be helpful for tourism of the Jiuzhaigou circular tour area .


  21. For a circular flat area of radius 40 miles radius , determine the minimum number of repeaters necessary to accommodate 1000 simultaneous users .


  22. Due to the interference of up and down blades , the circular vortex area in three - layer impellers is restrained and the area of vortex is small .


  23. With the stress and strain rate distribution in the flange must being continuous , it cause that a great many particles of circular angle area flow into straight side area in the deep-drawing process of panel part .


  24. Proposed two kinds of division methods for two-dimensional circular detection area , one is divded it into rectangular mesh and the other is divided it into ring block , using index of SVD reconstruction of temperature field .


  25. Construction of Circular Economy Demonstration Area for Promoting Regional Sustainable Development


  26. A circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radius .


  27. On the basic of the above analysis , it also proposes the construction thoughts and security system of the circular economy demonstration area .


  28. 25 eyes with circular choroid atrophic area around papilla , periphery retina and retinal vascularity remained normal .


  29. Discussion on security system of circular economy in development area


  30. Design theory and practice of circular tunnels in Shanghai area
